sepulchres - a tomb or burial placeedifice-a building of large size or imposing character
condemnation- the state of being condemned
vivify- to give life, to animate
denote- to be a mark or sign of, indicate
fain- gladly, willingly
inquisitorial- of or pertaining to an inquisitor or inquisition
sable- Old World weasel-like mammal
progenitors- a biologically related ancestor
plebeian- belonging to the common people
typify- to serve as a typical example of
reviled- address or speak of abusively
purport- to present, often falsely
amenable - ready or willing to answer
imbibing- to consume by drinking
epoch- a period of time marked by events
state of being despondent;  depression of spirits from loss of courage or hope;
delusive- misleading
infantile- characteristic of being an infant
abhorrence- utter loathing
odious-  deserving or causing hatred
antipathy- a habitual aversion
somnambulism- sleepwalking
replete- abundantly supplied
sedulous- diligent in application or attention
derisiverly- mocking
behest- a command
betwixt- Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. between.
lurid- horrible, revolting
propinquity- nearness in place
implore- to beg urgently
sere- dry, withered

* all defintions are from

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